Study of Correlation between Formation Mechanism and Clinic Application of the Slow Pulse 迟脉的形成机理及其临床应用的相关性研究
The breakthrough of research on the slow pulse fast charge method of lead acid storage battery 电动汽车蓄电池充放电装置控制系统设计铅酸蓄电池慢脉冲快速充电研究的突破
Power MOSFET based slow rising-fast falling high-voltage pulse signal source 基于功率MOSFET的慢升快降型高压脉冲信号源
Most of these neurons showed a prominent slow after-hyperpolarization potential or current in response to depolarizing pulse. 大多数神经元在接受去极化刺激时出现明显的慢后超极化电位或电流。
Don't slow down so much that your pulse dips too low, though, or you will lose the aerobic effect completely. 但是也不要降的太低,否则心率掉的太多就会完全失去有氧的功能。
Slow pulse and rapid pulse were commonly pulse conditions and their diagnosis was of great importance in clinical practice. 迟脉、数脉是临床上常见的脉象,其诊法无疑也非常重要。
The fundamental functions of the control and scanning system in the Beijing FEL spectrometer are reported. The magnetic field analysis of the slow deflection coil and the specification of the microsecond pulse generator are introduced. 叙述了北京FEL谱仪中的控制与扫描系统的基本功能以及用于偏转电子束的慢偏转线圈的磁场分析及其微秒脉冲电流源性能。
The results indicate: in the slow decaying area, the axial energy decaying property of isosceles trapezium electromagnetic wave pulse is better than that of sinusoidal electromagnetic waveform while its increasing time is shorter than one twentieth of the waveform width. 研究表明:当脉冲的上升时间小于有效脉冲宽度的1/20时,在脉冲传播的慢衰减区,等腰梯形脉冲的传播特性优于目前普遍应用的正弦脉冲。
Study on outgoing gas performance of slow pulse fast charging method 慢脉冲快速充电方法析气性能的研究
The fast charge with slow pulse on controlling the polarization of battery 慢脉冲快速充电控制电池极化的研究
The growing ion acoustic wave instability caused by the slow electron drift is studied by both CW and pulse modulated wave methods. 用连续波和调制脉冲波两种方法研究了由慢电子漂移引起的增长离子声波不稳定性。
The parameter variations of circuit elements under different DC biased level in the manufacturing process were studied, and the performances of Debye polarization cell under slow discharging and pulse loading were compared with the real circuit and the simulation results using classic equivalent circuits. 研究了在不同直流偏置电平和制造过程中的电路元件值的差异,并将德拜极化电池在缓慢放电和脉冲负载中的性能与实际电路以及采用经典等效电路模拟的结果进行了对比。
The small current of the slow pulse could efficiently decrease the ionic concentration polarization and increase the charging efficiency. 慢脉冲中的小电流有效地控制了离子浓差极化,提高了充电效率。
The reason of outgoing gas is that the charge voltage goes up from polarization, but the slow pulse charging method can availably remove the problem of polarization. 析气是由于充电过程中的极化导致充电电压升高,而慢脉冲充电方法可有效地消除极化;
When applied voltage waveforms are dc, ac and slow pulse, voltage amplitude during discharge can be ignored. 在直流、交流以及宽脉冲电压波形条件下,电压上升速率相对缓慢,放电时延内电压增幅可忽略不计。
Application of slow pulse fast charge in capacity restoration of VRLA battery 慢脉冲快速充电在VRLA电池容量恢复中的应用
It is shown that both the positively and negatively chirped pulses slow down the spectral broadening comparing with the chirp-free pulse, especially in the case of the negative chirp. This phenomenon indicates that the chirped pulse is a great disadvantage for us to broaden the spectrum. 结果表明:正、负啁啾均使谱展宽的速率变小,尤其是负啁啾情形,展宽速率更小,说明啁啾对谱展宽是不利的;
Comparative Research on Pulse Graph of Pathological and Physiological Slow Pulse as well as Condition of Cardiovascular Function 病理迟脉与生理迟脉的脉图和心血管功能状态的对比研究
The study on uniformity with slow pulse fast charge 慢脉冲快速充电均衡性的研究
The capacity of the failed valve-regulated lead acid ( VRLA) battery was restored by the slow pulse fast charge method. 应用慢脉冲快速充电方法,对报废的VRLA电池进行容量恢复。
With the method of non-invasive cardiac function test and pulse graph, the author comparatively investigated the physiological ( normal) slow pulse and pathological ( morbid) slow pulse. 采用无创性心功能检测法和脉图法对生理迟脉和病理迟脉进行了对比研究。
Experimental Investigation on Slow Light and Optical Pulse Propagation with Negative Group Velocity in the Electromagnetically Induced Medium 光脉冲在电磁感应介质中的超慢群速与负群速传播实验研究
The fast charge with slow pulse for lead acid battery could efficiently control the polarization in the battery. 以铅酸电池为例介绍了慢脉冲快速充电方法有效控制电池充电时电池的极化。
Principle and Model of Buffering and Slow-Down for High-Speed Transient Pulse Sampling 高速瞬态脉冲缓冲减速原理和模型
The reasons were analyzed. The charge performance of the slow pulse fast charge method was studied. 分析了电池组性能差别扩大的原因,研究了慢脉冲快速充电方法的充电性能。
Meanwhile the slow light effect of the picoseconds pulse is studied through numerical experiment.4.The basic theory of slow light based on optical parametric amplification is introduced. The impact of fiber length, pump power and fiber parametric gain on time delay is simulated by numerical methods. 分析了利用光纤参量放大效应产生慢光的原理,用数值方法研究了延迟时间随光纤长度、泵浦功率和光纤参量增益的变化关系。
Slow light via SBS for short pulse and broadband pump are studied. 研究了短脉冲和宽带泵浦下的SBS慢光效应。
Under the intermediate and senior sea sentiment sea noise jamming background, it is difficult that detecting marine static or the slow movement targets using the pulse Doppler airborne radar, specially such dim targets as the submarine telescope and the air vent. 在中高级海情的海杂波干扰背景下,脉冲多普勒机载雷达要检测海上静止或慢速运动的目标,特别是如潜艇望远镜、通气孔这样的小目标有许多难点。
Then, we describe slow light with group velocity, dispersion, and pulse distortion. 其次,对慢光的群速、色散、脉冲失真等指标做了说明。
The results showed that texture of the composite coatings could be more refined and particles distributed more uniformly in the coatings as pulse frequency increased. Because nucleation rate of crystal nucleus increased and propagation rate of crystal nucleus was slow as pulse frequency raised and concentration polarization reduced. 结果表明,随着脉冲频率的升高,浓差极化减小,晶核的形核率高,增长速率慢,复合镀层的组织得到细化,形成结晶细致、颗粒分散均匀的纳米复合镀层。